Carla N. Molina & R. Garzon

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Carla N. Molina & R. Garzon

This article was written by Carla N. Molina and Dr R. Garzon. Carla N. Molina is currently studying for her PhD in the Department of Food Science, Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA, CSIC), Spain. She completed her bachelor’s degree in Food Science and Technology in 2020 at Valencia University. Her primary research focus is the impact of rice variety and vinegar acidity in sushi quality, as well as strategies to modulate the characteristics of cooked rice. Dr R. Garzon is a Research Assistant in the Department of Food Science (Cereals and Derivative Products group) at IATA, CSIC and is as an associate professor at the University of Valencia. Her work is mainly focused on improving the health and marketing prospects of cereals and grain commodities and processed products to meet the demands of consumers and producers.

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